Author: wpbb_8ejxbd
County of Kauai COVID19 update 4/28
For more local info on COVID19 please visit
County of Kauai COVID19 update 4/27
For more local info on COVID19 please
County of Kauai COVID19 Update 3/26
Mayor Kawakami’s March 26th Daily COVID19 Update
Kokua Hanalei Created!
The Hanalei Initiative has developed this online space as a tool for our North Shore communities to support each other economically. The huge economic impacts of the COVID 19 virus on our Kauai’s ohana and how long it will last is uncertain. But what we do know is we are a very resilient community who always come together when faced with a challenge. While the larger economic picture may look grim, we can put our focus in a community economic support system. Do you have projects you have been wanting to have done but keep putting it off? Can you offer a side job? Do you have a delivery service, can do a dump run or have produce to sell. Post it here and keep the creative juices going for community based economic activity.
Joel Guy
Community-led, Government-Supported
County of Kauai COVID19 Info
Please watch this clip from our Mayor Kawakami.